Why should you exercise regularly?

Why should you exercise regularly?

We all know exercise is essential for people trying to lose weight. But do we know that it is also very good to maintain good health. Exercise makes you stay active, fit and fresh. It is very important to exercise every day so that your body has good flexibility and stamina.  

Improves mood: Whenever you become cranky and depressed make sure to go into nature and walk for a while, you will see positive changes in your mood. This is why exercising every day gives you the fuel to stay happy, positive and active throughout. Production of endorphins after exercise works as a mood elevator.

Boosts energy: As you exercise the blood circulation reaches each and every part of your body and makes you feel fresh and active tip to toe. Exercise also produces endorphin chemicals in the brain that are the body's natural painkillers. 

Promotes better sleep: Exercise needs strength and stamina hence it consumes the energy of the body in the right way. People with insomnia should exercise regularly so that their body muscles feel sore and tired and they have a sound night sleep. 

Exercise combats health conditions and diseases: Many lifestyle disorders can be reversed with the help of regular exercise. Staying active and healthy is the key goal and exercise helps you attain it. Once it is attained you can reverse any health issue that has been caused by a lack of activity of the body. 

Boosts self-confidence: When you exercise regularly, you always be in shape and also feel active. It makes you feel youthful, gives you glowing skin and promotes self-confidence.  

So you should at least exercise 5 times a week in order to stay healthy, fit and maintain a good figure. All these factors also help delay ageing and make your skin healthy and glowing. 


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Your BMi is

BMI is a measurement of a person's leanness or corpulence based on their height and weight, and is intended to quantify tissue mass. It is widely used as a general indicator of whether a person has a healthy body weight for their height.


A few more kgs can lessen your chances of thinning bones and a weakened immune system, as well as feeling tired.


You're in a good place now. Keep up your regular healthy habits to maintain your weight.


Since your weight puts you in the overweight range, losing some extra kgs is a good first step toward lowering your chances of health problems.


Since your weight puts you in the obese range, you're much more likely to have serious health problems.

BMi Categories:

Underweight = < 18.5

Normal weight = 18.5 – 24.9

Overweight = 25 – 29.9

Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Your Waist-Height ratio is

Belly fat affects your health more than fat in your arms or your hips. It's linked to a higher risk of heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes, and it puts you at risk for other diseases, too.


A few more kgs can lessen your chances of thinning bones and a weakened immune system, as well as feeling tired.


You're in a good place now. Keep up your regular healthy habits to maintain your weight.


Belly fat affects your health more than fat in your arms or your hips. It's linked to a higher risk of heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes, and it puts you at risk for other diseases, too.


Belly fat affects your health more than fat in your arms or your hips. It's linked to a higher risk of heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes, and it puts you at risk for other diseases, too.

Waist-Height Categories:

Underweight = < 0.43

Normal weight = 0.43 – 0.52

Overweight = 0.53 – 0.65

Obesity = 0.65 or greater

Your BMI alone doesn't give you the whole picture. Talk to us for best online integrated nutrition program. Contact Now